Calculators, tools
Tools to calculate the following:
- frequency to wavelength for radio waves
- conversion of metric to Imperial (meters to feet and inches) lengths
- conversion of VSWR losses to dB losses
- conversion of impedance values to VSWR, return loss and mismatch loss
- conversion of reactance value to inductance or capacitance value
- addition or subtraction of two decibel (dB) values
- quarter-wave line matching transformer
Frequency / wavelength calculator
Metric to Imperial units calculator
Convert decimal meters to feet and inches, or
Convert decimal feet to meters
Simply type a meters or feet length into the appropriate field, and the corresponding value will be calculated as you type:
Convert VSWR value to power loss
Any value of VSWR higher than 1:1 can cause power loss due to reflected RF being dissipated
in the feeder line. Use this to calculate how much power loss is due to VSWR:
Convert impedance values to VSWR, return loss and mismatch loss
Choose a system or coax cable impedance, input a complex load impedance, and calculate the following:
Reflection coefficient
Return loss
Mismatch loss
Convert reactance value to inductance or capacitance value
Decibel calculator
Add or subtract two decibel (dB) values
Quarter-wave line matching transformer
The 1/4-wave line matching transformer, also known as a Q-section, is a section of feed-line
having a specific impedance designed to transform an input impedance to a different output
This can be useful when connecting feedlines of different impedances: say, a length of 50Ω coaxial
line to a length of 75Ω coaxial line.
The matching 1/4-wave section is connected in series between the input line and the output line, or load.
Wire cutting/adjustment table
When creating a new wire antenna, it is always advisable to
add extra length
- a couple of percent extra - to the calculated length. In this way, you ensure that the wire you cut for the antenna is, from the
outset, not too short for its' intended purpose.
It's handy to know just how much wire to cut off, in order to arrive at the correct length - i.e. the length at which the antenna
resonates at the intended frequency, or frequencies. The table presented here can help you to determine just that. Values in the
table are based on a quarter-wave length of wire: thus, when adjusting a dipole for instance, the amount to be cut will be removed
from each quarter-wavelength section, that is to say from each "arm" of the dipole.
Use the controls to choose your wire core diameter, and insulation thickness and type if needed: the table will be updated to reflect
your choice.
Band |
Reference frequency (kHz) |
Adjustment in millimeters for discrepancy in frequency at VSWR minimum |
10 kHz |
25 kHz |
50 kHz |
75 kHz |
100 kHz |
150 kHz |
200 kHz |
250 kHz |
300 kHz |
350 kHz |
400 kHz |
500 kHz |
160 meters | 1860 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
80 meters | 3650 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
60 meters | 5350 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
40 meters | 7100 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
30 meters | 10135 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
20 meters | 14175 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
17 meters | 18120 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
15 meters | 21225 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
12 meters | 24940 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
10 meters | 28500 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
6 meters | 51000 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
To use the values listed, it will be necessary to first erect the antenna in its' intended configuration. Attach a length of coax,
and measure the VSWR on the band of interest with whatever you have available - an analog VSWR meter, or a VNA / digital VSWR device.
Note the frequency at the VSWR minimum, and estimate how far this deviates from the design frequency: this deviation we will call
Find, in the table headers, the closest frequency discrepancy to this delta (you may wish to interpolate between two columns) and, in the
row for the band of interest, read off the required adjustment in millimeters. Given your choice of wire and insulation, this
adjustment amount should be close to what you will need to cut from the wire, in order that the VSWR minimum frequency will be close to
the design frequency. Make your adjustment to the antenna, and measure the VSWR again.
Suppose we are adjusting the length of a new flat-top dipole for
the 20-meter band, and for a design frequency of 14200 kHz. The dipole is constructed of wire 1.5 mm diameter, with 0.6 mm thick PTFE
insulation, and we elect to include end-effect in the calculations. We erect the dipole at the design height, and measure its'
VSWR over a sweep covering the entire band.
Let us now suppose that the actual VSWR minimum occurs at 13920 kHz, or 280 kHz lower than required. From the table, and interpolating
between values in adjacent columns, we estimate the amount to be cut, delta, to be approximately 102 mm.
Since this is a symmetrical dipole, this amount would need to be cut from
both ends
of the antenna.
Exercise caution here, however - see the note below.
Please note that the values listed in the table are intended only as an
approximate guide to adjusting the length of your antenna - as with all things, caution is advised when cutting antenna wire to
If in doubt, take less off than the value derived from the table, and
measure the VSWR again.
Table values calculation
Since we cut the wire section long, the first VSWR measurement will (hopefully!) be at a lower frequency than that desired.
Let the measured frequency of minimum VSWR be fm , the desired resonant frequency be f0 , and the measured
radiator length be Lm
Then, the antenna section length for resonance at the desired frequency
L0 = fm * Lm / f0
Hence, the wire must be shortened by an amount
dL = Lm - L0
Another way of looking at this is as follows: for one side of a dipole, the difference in length between two pieces of wire
cut for different frequencies f1 and f2 is given by:
dL = k * c * (f2 - f1) / (4 * f1 * f2) ,
for a quarter-wavelength, where
k = length-correction factor for the wire (depends on various parameters including end-effect and insulation type/thickness)
c = speed of light